Friday, December 26, 2014

From "Have To" to "Want To"

It’s the end of my first semester at the college that has become “my place”. I love it here. It’s amazing; the atmosphere, the people, the love and acceptance coupled with, and strengthened by, a genuine devotion to my God by more people than I could have ever anticipated. There isn’t anything particularly extraordinary about the college itself. It’s pretty small, with a beautiful campus, and a Christ-focus, nestled in a tiny town in which there is next to nothing to do. On paper it doesn’t stand out as the funnest, most exciting place to go. But, I know it is where I am supposed to be. I fit better here than I’ve ever fit in anything before. So, to me, it is extraordinary.

Ending my first semester here is bittersweet. On the one hand, I really enjoyed school and a new semester does mean change. I loved this semester so much that, even if the next one is better, I still wanted to enjoy this one a bit longer. It was a beautiful beginning, and I don’t think I was quite ready to turn the page yet.
On the other hand, I’m thrilled to be done with Statistics. Holy cow, that class was a rough one. I was placed in Statistics the night before classes started. I was sitting on the floor, computer in my lap, and I looked up at my couch full of new friends and said, “Guys, I can’t do this. I’m going to fail.” I believed I would. Math has never been my thing. It’s always been a frustrating bunch of nothingness that never made sense at all. But thankfully, regular studying with a friend kept me accountable for the homework, and I made it out with a surprisingly good grade.

That’s actually how a lot of the semester went; I’d get an assignment, or make a friend, or something would happen and I’d think “there is no way I can do this”, but God always provided a way for me to not just handle what was in front of me, but to handle it with success far beyond what I’d anticipated. I learned a lot about how little I can handle on my own, and how much more I can handle when I let God be the shoulders that bear the weight. It was so much easier to live a relatively busy life when I did one thing at a time to the best of my ability, and talked to God about all of it. The frustration was less frustrating, the hurt was less painful, and the joy was so much brighter when I didn’t keep it all to myself. On the days when I did put it all on myself, and I was way too tired, and all I wanted to do was hit something, God provided people to surprise me with M&Ms, encouraging notes, a call from home, coffee dates, and laughter. He’d remind me that I was doing it all wrong. He’d be patient, and sometimes it definitely took a few days, but eventually I’d pay attention and He’d give me His peace again. That was always pretty cool.

Near the beginning of the semester, my dad told me to abide in Christ. I prayed that God would help me to do that. I think I’m beginning to understand what it means to “abide” in a day-to-day life. It’s still really fuzzy and I get in my own way more often than not, but He’s showing me Himself! And He completely blows me away.

I think the biggest thing I have learned since August is that I really do want to be like God. Something I guess I’ve heard most of my life that I never really thought about is that Christians are to be made like Christ. As we are further sanctified, we do become more like Him, our character becomes more like His, and we are more conformed to His image. That’s such a wonderful thing.
I guess I never really broke that down in my mind. It was like this package deal where I just become more like Him, less selfish, more loving, merciful, gracious, etcetera.
The thing about these past few months is that I’ve realized that, though I’m called to be more like God, I actually want to be more like Him. Not just because God is God and I should be like Him, but it’s because… God is amazing.
The more I’ve gotten to know Him, the more I actually want to be like Him. It isn’t that I have this guilty obligation to be like Him. I am astounded by who He is, and even the remote possibility that my character could reflect His in any way is a thought that brings tears to my eyes even as I type this.

It’s akin to the times that I want to be like another person. I admire aspects of their personality. I want to emulate them. That’s how I feel about God. The more I read about who He is and experience Him in my own life, the more like Him I want to become!
His love and mercy, creativity and structure, grace and holiness, His beautiful, perfect balance between characteristics that seem to almost contradict; it’s overwhelming.  He has put to rest so many of my fears and insecurities by simply being there. He encourages me in ways that only He can. He’s forgiven me of things I still struggle with forgiving myself for, and accepted me before I even knew how to explain that I didn’t accept myself. It blows me away that He reveals Himself in everyday life. I can watch, experience, and learn. He’s my Savior and He’s incredible! He’s trustworthy, constant, safe, and everything good.
And I…
I just want to be like Him.