Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thinkidy Thoughts

Just for fun, I decided to write down some of my thoughts while packing for college:

"Packing...  Is just basically the joyous experience wherein I get to touch every article of clothing I own in one extremely long sitting...yay...."

"Is this even worth bringing? No... not really... But do I give it away? It seems so disloyal to give it away. If this shirt was a person it would call me a horrible friend. I am such a bad person."

"This song is driving me up the wall, but I have my entire drawer of teeshirts in my lap and it is just too much effort to get up and change it. I hope it ends soon.".... <30 seconds later>...."Never mind, it's totally worth it."

"So many socks..."

"I do not have enough room for all of these socks."

"Oh gosh, I'm gonna cry. Is it normal to cry over socks? I don't know. Probably not... why do I have so many socks.... I love socks..."

"Children are starving in Africa, and I'm crying over socks..."

"I'd like some goldfish... but I don't want goldfish breath... and I don't want to get up... So I won't."

"My roommates are probably going to be evil and kill me in my sleep. They'll blame it on the socks too. ' I was just sleeping in my bed when I heard a crash, I looked over and she had choked on a sock and fallen off the bed.' and people will believe them because I'll have so many socks that my only logical downfall would be to die tragically by my love."

"Why do I only have one mitten?"

"I will not take the Sesame Street sock."... <Literally 5 seconds later>... "But it has a name. It should come."

"My Mom is the best woman I know."

"Why in the world do I have four bathing suit cover ups? I know that I have purchased none of these... Where did they come from..."

"'Don't you know you're special, Don't you know you're special... Let them see your heart, let them see just how beautiful you are...'"

"I think my spine may just peel off of my body and walk away."

"My fingernails are truly too short to peel off this sticker... This is unfortunate...."

"I'm really glad I made a pile of junk in front of my closet. That was awesome thinking, Melissa. Really. Just... awesome."

"I am really loved... And I want to open these letters now."

"I need to wash my hands... they have that haven't-been-washed-in-a-while feeling."

"Why is my nose running?"

"Magnifying glass... why would I need this? But if I do need it, I'll feel really dumb to not have it... It's tiny. I'll bring it. I guess. Should I? Ughhhhhhughugh.... Fine. I'll just bring it."

"That's it. I'm not going. I'm not going to college. I give up. I'm just going to stay here and suffocate and die beneath my gigantic mounds of crap."

"that was a truly unfortunate noise my body just made. I don't even know what that was! How did that happen..."

"If my body was a person, I have a feeling they would be a rather fascinating."

"A goat just curled up and died in my mouth. I need a piece of gum. In a desperate sort of way."

"Q-tips are God's way of letting me know He still loves me..."

"I really want to take a nap."

"My bangs are out of control."

 "I really appreciate men with muscles."

"Coke Zero is the best invention ever."

"I think I'm a crazy person. I really just think I'm going insane."

...<And only a few moments later>...

"Wow. It's all done."

And so it is.

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